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Sunday, November 24, 2013


Early this morning I was reading through my good friend Audrey's blog and got to thinking how very lucky I am to have support in more than one way on my journey in this gospel. There have been so many who have acknowledged how much I've changed and supported it, even when they don't believe themselves. It means more to me than I can express in a simple blog post. Because there are also a lot of people, including close family member who do not support it. I've lost multiple friends, I've lost options of people I could date, I've lost an entire lifestyle and chose to gain much more than that. It is often hard at times to continue, grow and not give up. Especially when I feel unsupported, but this is when I turn to the little things, the people who do support me and hold onto their insight like a rod. They may not even realize it but without some of their support and non-judgement I wouldn't be at this place in my journey at all. I couldn't say Thank You enough.

I was on pinterest the other day and found this photo. 

It's the complete truth and means a lot to me because in order to change, I had to treat my life differently. I had to think different, dress different, involve myself in different hobbies, etc. I had to start living differently if I wanted something to last forever. I wanted this gospel in my life from then on out so I had to do something to achieve that. I want to have an eternal family and companion, I want a temple marriage, I want eternity. And because all of these things are so special they need to be treated differently. If you choose not to treat them differently there is a high chance that it won't last forever. 

People have treated me differently in both good and bad ways. Just as everyone else has been treated at some point in their life. Are you living differently? How are you treating others? Do you realize the impact it can have on them? Do you want something to last forever? Think about it. 


Friday, November 15, 2013

Tips & tricks to help you grow.

Lately I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I do it, how I changed and how I stay strong enough to endure the changes. The answer to all these questions is simple, faith in his plan.
I thought I’d share a couple of tips/tricks that I do to help me endure.
1.       Make Goals!
This is probably the #1 thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow. I’m a huge goal-oriented person. Being determined to accomplish all my goals doesn’t hurt either;) Making goals, regardless of if they’re big or small helps me to focus on something other than everything I’m not supposed to be doing or everything I have changed in my life. I have daily, weekly and long term goals. It allows me to refocus and improve.
                They can be simple or complex. Some examples of mine are as simple as doing my best not to swear throughout the day or as complex as preparing to go through the temple. There are some in betweens to like finishing the Book of Mormon, attending church and praying.

2.       Strive To Be Christlike.
In today’s world it is sometimes SUPER hard to be christlike all the time. This is okay because nobody is perfect, but if we all strive just a little bit each day or each week to be christlike think of how much improvement we might make in our daily lives!! This tip came into effect in my life when I was debating going on a mission I began reading Preach My Gospel and instead of going in order I skipped straight to the chapter about obtaining christlike attributes. I now chose to try my best each day to become more christlike than the day before, sometimes it is a struggle, but pushing past insecurities and trials is always worth it! Whenever I am having a hard time with this tip I go back and read a part of the chapter in Preach My Gospel for a little refresher.

3.       Don’t Forget To Pray.
I know it may be cliché but really truly personal prayer never fails to help me grow! I do my best to pray each day and night, this helps me to stay strong. I can say that I know without a doubt in my mind that Heavenly Father listens to our prayers and if we are praying sincerely they WILL be answered. Even if they aren’t answered in the time frame we were hoping for he is well aware of what our heart desires and wants nothing more than to grant us with those desires. Personally I pray for help to have faith in his plan and timing and it has helped me grow meek daily.

All three of these tips help me to grow, endure and most important of all have faith in his plan. As I go throughout the day keeping these three things in mind it helps remind me that Heavenly Father has a hand in ALL things and by having faith in him we will be guided to where we are supposed to be in life.

Try them out and let me know how they’ve helped you to grow!