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Thursday, December 4, 2014

The secrets out!!

So I am literally the worst at keeping secrets, & I must say that I’ve done pretty good at keeping this one on the down low, I’ve only told a total of 5 people. Not even my family members know that I have this secret. 

But I CANNOT keep it a secret any longer. The excitement has been driving me crazy. So here goes nothing……

On December 13th, 2014 I will become endowed. 

Before you get ahead of yourself with curiosity, no I am not serving a mission and no I am not engaged to be married. I am simply becoming endowed because I am ready. I have learned, pondered and studied about it for almost a year now. 

At first I felt the need to rush into getting endowed. See this is due to the fact that within my journey of becoming an active member again, there has always been some sort of progression. Changing my entire lifestyle was a process, receiving my temple recommend was a process, receiving my patriarchal blessing was a process, reading and understanding the Book of Mormon was a process. I was always striving for that next step. 

But this step took a lot of long hard thinking. It’s different. I finally realized that it was a decision that I wanted to take my time in making. Not only that but I wanted to be as prepared as possible, which required studying diligently, expanding my knowledge and growing more in tune with the spirit, twelve weeks of temple prep classes, and a lot of prayer. It for sure wasn’t something that I decided to do overnight.  It hasn’t been the easiest decision to make but it’s the right decision for me. Yes, as a girl it will require me to make a lot of sacrifices clothing wise, and as I’ve been preparing I’ve been more tempted than ever to back out. Constant reminders that not everyone around me is going to understand and approve of my decision made choosing to do so regardless of support even harder.  But if any of you know me, you know that when I set my mind to something I don’t stop until I accomplish it. My main hesitation was the thought of, ‘I want to be able to share this experience with a significant other.’ ‘What if my future husband was looking forward to taking me through the temple to receive my endowments.’ 

But here’s my conclusion regarding that: My decision to receive my endowments and make sacred covenants does not involve my future eternal companion. It involves me and my loving Heavenly Father. It’s as simple as that. Someday I’ll be able to share and experience being sealed to the love of my life. But until then, there is no reason why I shouldn’t be strengthening my faith and covenants within the gospel that I love so very much. 

I could go on and on about how excited I am to be able to take this step within the gospel. I am literally ecstatic about it. Temples are literally my safe haven, I am so blessed to have the opportunity to go inside. If any of you are considering it, the thoughts and promptings are there for a reason. I am an open book as far as my process  in deciding to go through the temple. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions, because I would love to share. For now, I’ll leave you with the amazing photos taken by Rachel Mariesa Photography, she did an amazing job capturing this special occasion for me. 


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Trials into Triumphs.

This post is going to be a bit personal but I thought it was worth a share. So during my senior year of a high school I went through some pretty hard things. It threw me into a depression which ultimately lead to me making a lot of mistakes. I was living life, going through the motions, and yes there were lots times that I was happy but I never realized until recently I wasn't genuinely happy. My happiness depended on other things, my grades in school, who I was currently dating, how much money I had, peoples approval on my choices, etc. All things that would eventually work out on their own. I have to admit there were times that I would just fall into this mode where nothing mattered and I didn't want to bother putting effort into 'being happy'. I would be so frustrated and upset with others as well as myself because for some reason, no matter how hard I'd try I wasn't truly happy. Other times my life was fun and seemed to be going great. I had great relationships, school was effortless, etc. Looking back on the past four years of my life I think a lot about the trials that I faced during those years. Ultimately these trials lead me to turning to the gospel. Around April of 2011 I realized that even though I wasn't active in the church I always prayed, in most cases pleaded and cried with God that things would work out in certain aspects of my life. I made the decision that I wanted to start going back to church, even though I had made the decision I didn't act upon it until October 2012. During the time between my decision and actually acting upon it I had begun making better choices slowly but surely, I hadn't gone to church but I had stopped hanging out at parties as much, I was living my life and thought it was good. Eventually I started going to a singles ward in October and knew I wanted to obtain a temple recommend. So I did just that. It wasn't easy but I accomplished it. I had completely changed my life in order to do so. During the process of receiving my temple recommend I was in a relationship that meant a lot to me. I was happy. But when that relationship ended I was more broken than I had ever been before. Again, my happiness depended so much upon something that left me hanging. Being completely shattered, I literally had nowhere to turn to besides the gospel. I had already changed my life so much, but I knew that there is always time for self-improvement. The ending of this relationship (I'll spare you all the sappy/hardship details) inspired me to form a closer relationship with Heavenly Father. This gospel was and literally is my strength. I focused on myself, I began focusing on learning the gospel and allowed it to become my distraction from the sadness of the world.

I've learned to realize that as we put our trust in Heavenly Fathers plan and strive to better ourselves within the gospel true happiness can be found. I know that Heavenly Father has a hand in even the smallest aspects of our lives. Literally he knows exactly when and where things need to be placed. I know that I went through these four years, to get me to where I am now. I know that even on the bad days there are tender mercies to be found. I was writing one of my close friends who is currently serving an LDS Mission and I wrote the following: 

I keep thinking to myself, 'wow this is a feeling I've been missing out on for so long, I feel like it's too good to be true, I never want it to end.' Seriously I am genuinely happy and so immensely blessed because of this gospel. Don't get me wrong, I still go through trials every single day. Life isn't easy. And sometimes living by the standards of the gospel can be an tiring process, but this happiness is so worth it. For example I wrote this about two weeks ago: 

"You know those times when you feel as though, 'I want one thing to turn out, just for once I want things to work.' As I was thinking those exact same things this morning I came to the realization that the one thing in my life that has consistently worked out is putting faith into this gospel and receiving the strength to push past whatever difficult moment I am facing, regardless of if it's big or small. Within this faith I know that things WILL eventually work, with school, with my career, with family, with financial situations, with dating, etc. Lately there have been random unexplained moments of difficulty in my life, but I know as I keep trying and keep putting my best effort in, things will work out." 

And it's true. Depending upon this gospel has brought so many blessings and so much happiness into my life. It doesn't depend on the guy I am dating, the fact that I am in need of a better paying job, or that I am unsure weather I'll be able to pursue my dream career. Although yes all of these things working out would be great, they are simply bonuses that ADD to my happiness, NOT make or break my happiness. 
Depression is real, but so is this happiness. I am thankful for both because they have allowed me to grow. Your trials have the possibility to shape you and lead you to this happiness. Take your trials and turn them into triumphs.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Abundant Awareness.

So I am the worst at blogging lately! Sorry everyone! I promise I'll be better! I've been super busy lately, I took 7 summer credits of upper division classes and finished them in two weeks because I will be working this summer as a health counselor for EFY. Which leads me into today's post. Last week I had the amazing opportunity to pick up an extra week working at Especially For Youth. This was completely unplanned for me because I still had 17+ papers to write, along with a midterm and a final, but someone really needed that week covered so I decided to take it for them.
Honestly, going into that week was absolutely terrifying. I have never worked during the summer for EFY, let alone as a health counselor (rumored to be one of the toughest jobs)! And let me tell you...I have never worked harder in my life than I do working as a health counselor. The hours are long, seriously it is a 24/7hr. job because we are expected to be there Sunday thru Saturday and are on call at all hours during the day and night. Not only did each day leave my physically drained but also mentally drained. I was literally running all around campus (sprinting at one point) with a 10lb bag full of medical supplies all week. I knew this job might be tough but coming into it I had no idea that this is what was going to be expected of me. There were points that I was thinking "oh goodness this is going to be a long summer." With that being said, I wouldn't change any of it for the world. Here's why: Throughout the week the youth is involved in a lot of spiritual activities and because of health counselor duties I wasn't really able to sit in on really any of it. This bummed me out because I figured that accepting this job I'd be able to sit in on classes and grow spiritually, but my responsibilities hadn't exactly allowed it. I decided that I was going to make the best of my week regardless of whatever situation I was in and as soon as I changed my mindset numerous spiritual experiences poured in. Each day I was able to find something spiritual that had happened. For example, I was taking care of a girl and was able to talk with her a little and hear her testimony, as I was talking to her I realized it wasn't me, it was the spirit speaking through me to her. I've only ever had one other experience with this and it is so amazing. There are no words to explain it, it helps me understand what it's like to be a modern-day missionary and for that I am beyond grateful. Something else that happened was me losing my personal car keys. I was going to run home real quick to grab my textbook and realized the keys to my apartment and car were nowhere to be found. I literally searched everywhere, no joke, I even checked the fridge. I was freaking out and calling my mom didn't exactly help. Panicking, I went to our site office (where we have daily meetings, etc.) and a member of my team Tanner realized I was upset, he asked if I was okay and of course that's the question that ALWAYS makes me cry. He gave me a hug and without even hesitating everyone on my team was helping me look. I had already said a prayer and was able to calm down thanks to my incredible team. I made the choice to not worry about it and accept the consequences of paying for new ones if I had to. The next morning the lady in charge of cleaning the building gave a pair of car keys to a member on my team and guess who's keys they were?! Mine! The biggest thing that happened was my realization that our Heavenly Father is well aware of my situation and feelings. See, I was writing in my journal one night and was completely overwhelmed with just how aware Heavenly Father is of me and my life. As I was writing I realized that I am working this job for a reason. And although it's hard, it has reminded me of why I am so passionate about working in the healthcare field. Lately I have completely lost hope of being able to work in the medical field and have even gone as far as changing my major (to something that is completely uninteresting to me) but being here, working this job has been such a blessing because it helped remind me of my passion. My passion to become a registered nurse. It helped my to know that our Heavenly Father is aware of my lost hope, my actual desires and the prayers I thought had gone unheard. He is aware of the fact that I am not in nursing school yet and the thought of having to give that up has absolutely crushed me. He is aware. As much as you may think he isn't, I promise he is fully aware and knows what you are going through. It can sometimes feel like he isn't there and he hasn't heard your pleading prayers, but he has. You may not fully recognize his presence in your daily life, but I promise if you look and listen, you will find his hand in your daily blessings and tender mercies. Not always will it be apparent, it might be something simple and small. But that something simple and small can make the biggest impact on your life. Depend on your faith, allow Heavenly Father to carry you through your trials. I know it can be something that is extremely hard to do but in order for him to help you, you've got to be willing to let him. It takes patience and a lot of trust, but as you develop these things within your Heavenly Father you will grow to know that he is aware. Try it. That's all it takes, trying and a little bit of effort to listen and you will see that he is aware. His awareness is abundant.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Step Towards Modesty.

It's getting to be that time of year again where the weather is warming up and the options in my closet are seeming to be less and less. I say this because last summer I chose to start dressing more modestly. Little by little I started getting rid of everything in my closet that I could not make modest. This was HUGE for me because if any of you know me you know that I am big into fashion, modeling and I also work at Hollister. Giving up my short shorts and crop tops was a big step, I have even gone as far as investing into multiple one pieces! That's right MULTIPLE....I never ever thought that I would be caught dead in a one piece or tankini but now that I've owned one I think they are so fun! Don't get me wrong I will always have my bikinis (currently at about 20ish bikinis) but I've began to love my one pieces (currently owning 5 or so). There wasn't really a legit reason for me doing this, I'm not going on a mission, I'm not getting married and even my bishop told me that modesty is one of those things that I don't need to put too much stress into because I have yet to take those sacred covenants, regardless of this I decided it's something I wanted to do. Although I am far from perfect and am not completely modest 24/7 (for example when work req. wearing shorts, etc.), modesty is something that I value a lot. Dressing modestly helps me to have confidence, it has opened up possibilities of attracting the right kind of guys and also makes it easier to dress modestly on a day-to-day basis. I figure when I do make those sacred covenants in the temple it will allow the transition to become much easier.

Dressing modestly has blessed my life for many reasons, the reasons mentioned above, along with being blessed with the spirit! I've noticed a huge difference in being able to recognize and feel the spirit! The little things really make the biggest impact!

I wanted to help inspire others to take a step towards modesty, even if it's just a little one, so I am having a giveaway! Not just a little giveaway but a huge giveaway! The winner will be able to take that step towards modesty by winning some way cute things from an amazing company called Winsome Jones! They have THE cutest modest clothing. I purchased my first modest skirt from their website and tend to be a frequent shopper.

Here's to taking a step towards modesty! Follow instructions below to win!

Winner will receive:
 1 Floral Print Shirt
 1 Navy Midi Skirt with Bowtie Belt
^^^^^It even has POCKETS!!

This cute pink/gold necklace

& also a $10 gift card

In order to win: 'subscribe' to my blog, 'like' Miss LC  on Facebook, 'follow' @_miss_lc on instagram & leave a comment on the photo posted below (either on my fb page OR instagram) explaining: How taking a step to dressing modestly will affect your life, along with your preferred sizes (FloralShirt:S-L, Skirt:S-L).

****If you're a guy wanting to win for your girl do everything the same except comment on this blog explaining what your girl dressing modestly means to you!

All steps must be completed in order to win!
Questions? Feel free to Contact Me
Winner will be announced on April 30th, 2014!!!!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Humming along.

So lately I've been finding myself humming hymns more often than not. It's silly to me because I recognize and can hum a hymn but have no idea what the words are! I discovered that I created a new habit, whenever I am trying to get certain thoughts out of my head (anything from temptation to a thought from the past) I think of I am a child of god or hum a tune of a hymn. It got me thinking, I am in a sense subcountiously inviting the spirit in because I was in need of it. Hymns invite the spirit and I was doing just that. It really surprises me how something so simple can make such a big impact! I want to challenge you! The next time you are faced with a temptation or simply feel like you might need to feel the spirit, hum a hymn! Do your best to just focus on that and nothing else, it helps! I want you all to try it and let me know how it goes!

Also on a side note, did you know pandora has a station for Lds hymns?!? There are some beautiful piano pieces on that station!

Ok ok so I'm sure you're all wondering what my announcement is...........
On my next blog post I'm going to be doing a huge giveaway! So make sure to watch for it and follow for your chance to win! :)

Until then, keep humming along!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


This has been a post that I've been wanting for write for quite a while now. I was in stake conference some time ago and Elder Tom L. Perry spoke. He mentioned something that stuck with me and stayed in my heart. He spoke about how there has been a lot of talk about women wanting the priesthood in the church. He talked about how women and men have very important responsibilities in the home.Men are entitled to the priesthood and women are entitled to being mothers. The responsibility of replenishing the earth, being a mother and raising children is God's greatest gift. God gave the priesthood to men in order for them to do their part involving God's greatest gift, protection. Eternal marriage allows the priesthood to be in the home and hearts of mothers everywhere, it allows men to live up to one of their many amazing responsibilities of protecting themselves, their families, their wives and their children.

This stuck in my heart because it is so true. See, growing up, I never had the priesthood in my home, there was never someone around who held the priesthood. I think this is a part of why I appreciate and value it so much. The power to be blessed and protected. I never really had that, I now know years later that it is something that I desire to have in my future home. I am so very grateful for the priesthood. One day I was reading through Moroni and all throughout chapters 1-5 I gained an all new appreciation for the priesthood, reading through these chapters allowed me to gain knowledge that I hadn't had previously. I still have a lot to learn and technically I still don't know a lot when it comes to the priesthood and all it in-tells but from what I do know I know it is something to be thankful for. Especially recently, I have been going through a lot and struggling more with certain trials than I'd like to be, I was fortunate enough to ask one of my closest friends, who is actually more like a brother for a blessing. If he didn't have the priesthood I wouldn't be able to have been given the blessing that I was in need of.

I found an amazing quote I'd like to share:
"We must be men that women can trust, that children can trust,  that god can trust."
-Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Personally I think the last part is the most important, being men that god can trust in. If every guy strived just a little bit to live up to this quote I think we would have uncountable numbers of amazing men in today's world. The priesthood holds a very appreciative part of my heart, I think sometimes it can be taken for granted and that saddens me because it is something I find to be such an amazing blessing. I cannot wait to have a home where the priesthood is involved, where protection is there, I know that it is something to be valued. Right now I may not know much about where my life is headed or where my heart will end up, but I do know that if I am lucky, I will have the priesthood in my future home.

XOXO- Lexi Collins